Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trailer Mart Scotland Should Wal-Mart Have Sued Brain-Damaged Woman For A Half Million Dollars?

Should Wal-Mart have sued Brain-Damaged woman for a half Million dollars? - trailer mart scotland ...

A collision with a truck trailer at Wal Mart, where he left 52 years, Deborah Shank permanently brain damaged and wheelchair.

Her husband, Jim, and his three son found a small source of solace: a $ 700,000 accident, the consent of the truck company. After legal fees of the remaining $ 417,000 would be used for the care of Mrs. Shanks.

Wal-Mart sued the descendants of $ 470,000 he had spent more in your care. A federal judge ruled last year in favor of Wal-Mart.

If the money goes to Wal-Mart, what to use for future care of the face?

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